

Highest professional standards to guarantee quality


We complies with MSC CoC certification to provides credible assurance that our products are sold with the MSC ecolabel or trademarks originated from a certified fishery and can be traced throughout the supply chain to a certified source.

BRCGS Food Safety

As food safety is our critical importance in the food supply chain, we complies with The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety certification to be approved internationally in the standard of food quality, food safety, and operational criteria. These are required to be in place within a food manufacturing organization to fulfill obligations with regard to legal compliance and protection of the consumer.


Our product's safety and quality are our top priorities and we complies with HACCP as it is important to put high concern and controls potential hazards in our food production. Through controlling major food risks, such as microbiological, chemical and physical contaminants, to assure consumers that our products are as safe as good science and technology allows.

Best Aquaculture Practice

We complies with BAP helps to assure our consumers that our seafood products is produced in a manner that is considerate of the animal's welfare, the environment, workforce and community, food safety, and traceability.


We are highly concerned for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) in our processing system.

MUI Halal

We commited to MUI Halal Certificate is a written fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council which states the halal status of a product in accordance with Islamic sharia. KG Guarantees the halal status of its products that have been certified MUI Halal. This certification is a prerequisite for obtaining a halal labeling permit on the product packaging.


As we care a lot for organization's standards such as labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics, we meet a set of criteria set out by Sedex.


We guarantee the safety and quality for food products of animal origin to be consumed by our consumers, so we ensure hygiene and sanitation as a guarantee of the safety of our products.